
från 340,00 kr

Once upon a time in the land of Harmonia, music was not just an art form, but the very foundation upon which the world was built. Frequenzies, ethereal beings of pure energy, were the custodians of this magical realm. With their harmonious melodies and kind emotions, they imbued life into every inch of the land.

In the heart of Harmonia stood the Great Melody Tree, an ancient and majestic tree that produced the most enchanting music. Its branches swayed gently in the wind, generating frequencies that resonated through the entire realm, bringing peace and joy to all who inhabited it.

Each Frequenzie held a specific note and purpose, working together to create a symphony of love and harmony. Melodia, the Frequenzie of love, spread warmth and compassion wherever she went. Her gentle hums and tender tunes nurtured the hearts of all creatures, from the smallest insects to the mightiest leviathans of the sea.

Rhythmo, the Frequenzie of rhythm, tapped his vibrant drumbeats to infuse life and energy into the world. With every beat, plants would grow, rivers would dance, and the very air would pulse with a vibrant liveliness. Rhythmo's rhythms synchronized the movements of all living beings, connecting them in a seamless orchestra.

Then there was Harmonio, the Frequenzie of melody. With his melodious voice, he weaved enchanting tunes that carried the dreams and stories of the Harmonians. The children of Harmonia would listen to Harmonio's songs as they slept, and beautiful dreams would fill their slumber, inspiring creativity and optimism.

As the Frequenzies went about their duties, they encountered various challenges. Discordia, the embodiment of disharmony, would try to disrupt the peaceful melodies and spread negativity. But the Frequenzies stood strong, weaving their harmonies into an impenetrable shield, allowing the light to drive away the darkness.

In the village of Serenitia, a young girl named Melody lived with her family. Melody had always loved music, and her heart resonated with the Frequenzies' melodies. She would spend her days sitting beneath the Great Melody Tree, absorbing the soothing frequencies that whispered the secrets of the world in her ears.

One day, while exploring the woods, Melody stumbled upon a dormant Frequenzie, its light dim and flickering. She knew that if the Frequenzie remained powerless, the music of Harmonia would suffer. Determined to help, she carried the Frequenzie back to the Great Melody Tree, hoping its magic would revive it.

With gentle care, Melody placed the dormant Frequenzie's ethereal form upon a branch, and with her melodious voice, she began to sing. The Frequenzie stirred, and a soft glow emanated from its core. The other Frequenzies noticed the harmony that Melody had created and joined in, adding their own notes and warmth.

Slowly, the dormant Frequenzie awakened, its energy restored. Grateful, the Frequenzie revealed itself as Joya, the Frequenzie of happiness. Overjoyed, Melody and Joya danced beneath the Great Melody Tree, their laughter filling the air and bringing smiles to the faces of all who witnessed their vibrant celebration.

From that day forward, Melody became a guardian of the Frequenzies, using her voice to bring joy and love to every corner of Harmonia. As she traveled from village to village, her melodies lifted spirits, healed wounds, and mended broken hearts. Through music, Melody and the Frequenzies continued to build a world filled with kind emotions, nurturing the bonds that held them all together.

And so, the Frequenzies and the people of Harmonia lived in perfect harmony, understanding the power of frequencies, music, and kind emotions in building a world of love and compassion.

Frame made with radial pine sourced from renewable forests

Ideal for your creative room

Soft rubber dots on bottom back corners for support

Back hanging included.

It will brighten up any room with good wibe


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